We're hiring for the following part-time positions:
Date | Skill | City | Call Time | End Time | Contractor Pay | |
2025-02-28 | Casino Black Jack Table w/dealer | Lexington | 18:00:00 | 21:30:00 | $0.00 | |
2025-04-05 | Casino Roulette Table w/dealer | Mason- Georgian | 19:00:00 | 22:30:00 | $0.00 | |
2025-04-12 | Casino Black Jack Table w/dealer | Mount Orab | 18:00:00 | 22:00:00 | $0.00 |
We're hiring for the following full-time positions:
- Princesses
- Balloon Artists
- Face Painter
- Juggler
- Magicians
- Please send performance resume with head shot.
- info@cincinnaticircus.com
- Prop / MUST WELD
- Auto Mechanic
- Warehouse Manager
- Please send resume with references.
- info@cincinnaticircus.com
Join the Cincinnati Circus
Do you dream of circus? .... so do we. We are always open to those who wish to sweat and practice with us and to those who love the stage like we do. But not everyone is meant to give to the world through circus, some are meant to give to the world through other destinies.
To begin: circus is our job, not our hobby. It is our greatest consuming passion. We train for it like all athletes and practice for it like all actors. We give ourselves to it through sweat and pain like a dancer.
If you think your destiny might be circus, and you're interested in finding out - send an email to me. Tell me why you think circus is your future. Tell me what you can do, and what you desire to learn. Tell me what performance history you have. Send me a picture of you practicing.
Please send emails to info@cincinnaticircus.com.
Building a Circus
A diary of dreams, persistence, and love.
I have always wanted to change the world. I don’t think I’m unique in this, nor do I think the world is a bad place. I think the world (and life) is wonderful, but I would like it to be better. I would like it to extend to all people and all situations and I would like to make the world better for all.
Circus is about changing the world. All of life’s moments are opportunities for change and improvement. Circus gives us many unique pathways to effectively improve the lives of others. It’s important that we understand that we are not a construction company that can build homes like Habitat for Humanity; nor are we a health group like Doctors without Borders. We have been given a special set of skills, we are circus, and we are meant to inspire the world... Not to remind all people how special we are, but how special they are. This is our calling, our mission, and our purpose.
Star Gazing
When I was little, my mother used to show us the stars and many nights we looked for meteors. I remember when I was young, going out west and camping in the desert and at night we could see the arms of the Milky Way! The darkness of the desert allowed us to see the millions of stars more vividly.
There are people in our lives that stand out more than others. There are people who shine brighter. Often these people are present to us in our darkest moments and often show us the way. Circus performers are stars... Not in a show biz use of the term, but within the metaphor of the heavens. Circus performers show us the zenith of human potential. They are athletes of art, and they show us what people can achieve through hard work and dedication. Circus performers are flying upon a trapeze high in the air, causing us to look up much like at the heavens, and they inspire us to have dreams as large as the night sky.
We are here to inspire the world, and it will not be easy because the world is a big place. We begin with how we treat others who are around us. First, we must strengthen our fellow circus members and shine for them because it is our fellow circus members who will shine for others. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it.
Welcome to our circus family. All are welcome. We exist because we have dreamt of you, and many others like you, joining us and sharing our passion! Remember, just as we are welcoming you, you must welcome others. Of course you will want your friends to join, but bringing friends is not the same thing as welcoming strangers. As you meet people, ask yourself if this person will help us to improve the world? Not all people are ready. Not all people are meant to be circus, but all people have gifts. Our job as circus performers is to encourage people to follow their gifts.
Our history is filled with people accepting our mission and carrying it forward. We brighten the lives of the people around us. First our circus family, then our audiences, then we give generously much of our finances to children who are ill.
We began in the last century and have been steadily building. Making the circus grow is important to effecting more and more change in the world. We have worked to make our circus a financial success as well because financial balance is important. If we wish to help the world, we must first make sure that we will be able to do so.
There have been many amazing people in our circus family. We cherish them and are grateful to them for what they have contribute... Most importantly, we are grateful to them for helping to carry our circus vision forward to today’s performers and members. We are here to inspire the world.
The better we are, the more we inspire. So practice, practice, practice! Who we are is often as inspiring as our skills. We must be kind, we must be approachable, and we must be inspiring. Practice kindness. Practice openness. Practice encouragment.
We must build our circus bigger with amazing performances, performed by amazing people.
What you need to know
Dave is your friend. Dave is here to help you become better. Many new people do not realize that hee began as a performer and can do lots of the things that you’re now learning. He is also happy to teach. Dave is available Monday – Friday, 9am-4pm. Ask for an appointment any time you have a need or want to talk. You can email him at info@cincinnaticircus.com.
We’re all your friend. We all want you to succeed. With that said, we are often busy working on things when you see us. Say, “Hello!”, tell us what you need, and we will try to help.
You are required to show up on every Tuesday that you’re not working. If you need to miss for some reason, let the office know. Don’t miss unless you really can’t help it. Tuesdays are important.
You need to work most if not all Saturdays. Circus is a job that needs you to perform on Saturdays. It’s expected that in exchange for the free training you will work at least 3 out of every 4 Saturdays. We also need people on other days, but especially Saturdays.
Other Jobs
Circus can be your only job. If you would like that tell Dave. He will tell you what needs to be done to get you there. He will likely tell you to learn more skills so he can book you more, and he will tell you to check the queue every day at 4:00pm. Every day.
You will need to buy yourself the following items.
- Red chucks (or similar shoes)
- Men: Black Dress Pants, Black Dress Shoes, Black Tie, White Dress Shirt.
- Women: Black Dress (we have one that we recommend... it’s cheap, and you’ll look good.)
- Professional Balloon Apron
- Western Costume make it a good one!
- Balloons and Face Paint kit.
- Your own equipment (juggling, magic, fire, LED) this one can be over time. We will help you at first, but it’s a loan till you get your own. Ultimately you will get better if you have your own.
Remember :we will be paying you, but you will need to invest a little into your circus career.
Senior Staff
Some of our staff members have been with us for a really long time. If you’re on a large event, figure out who has been there the longest and ask them what to do. The person who has been with the company the longest is the only person who should talk to the client, or potential clients. They are also the person who should do all the driving. Be friendly with them. They are nice people and have a lot they can teach you.
Often when you see them at practice, know that they are busy practicing themselves. Work on what you know. They didn’t get to where they are overnight. Circus is hard work and you simply have to put in the work yourself. Watch youtube, do research, become an expert on the acts you want to do. People / Dave will notice your hard work!
Current Performance Openings
We're always looking for these.
- Aerialists
- Entertainers
- Flying Trapeze Artists
- Magicians
- Jugglers
- Face Painters
- Professionals from other Circuses
Current Roustabout Openings
We're always looking for these.
- Auto Mechanic
- Delivery / Set up Crew
Over the years many talented performers have asked us to represent them. These entertainers are tired of handling all the paperwork. They desire to practice their art and to perform, and would like a steady pay check. We offer this fair deal to all our talent. We will take care of all of your bookings, we will take care of all of your marketing, we will pay you your rate, and we will pay you promptly after every event. Let us know if you would like the Cincinnati Circus to represent you. All acts welcome.
Please send emails to info@cincinnaticircus.com